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Raw Vegan Yoghurt recipe / Raw Vegan Yoghurt recept

RAW VEGAN YOGHURT! Yes, it can be done :D Raw Vegan Yoghurt recipe So you're either raw-vegan, vegan or just thinking about living a more raw-vegan-ish livestyle in general BUT you are addicted to dairy products like yoghurt, icecream and so many others that are just oh-so-yummy and hard to say good-bey to... This can only be before you discovered the loads and loads of delicious alternatives for dairy products that are out here on the internet :) So of course I am delighted to present you with YET another one ;) (that just happens to be veeeeeery yummy as well ;))) This little treat can be eaten either as a breakfast or dessert (or anything inbetween ;)) Not only is this raw vegan yoghurt a little protein bomb, thanks to the sprouts - it is also bursting with vitamins and anti-oxidants, so it has the benefits of a dairy product but - really - actually it is a lot better hahaha! S prouts are incredible sources of minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, antioxidants,...

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