Do it yourself natural deodorant ~ Maak je eigen natuurlijke deodorant

Does anyone recognize this?? Finding a decent and well working deodorant seems to be like this neverending search - and then when you finally think you found somethingh - it seems like your body grows 'immune' to in after a while and you can start looking all over again :S

But here it is; the solution to all of that!! A 3 -ingredient all natural easy to make deodorant
that actually works perfectly - also for sensitive skin-types and right after shaving!

Together with starting to wash my hair with bakingsoda / bicarbonate, I can honoustly say that this natural deodorant recipe was yet another big 'Omg- I never want to use anything else again' moment I had on this 100% organic-journey of mine :)

Over the past 10 years or more I did quite some searching out there moving myself 'up' from using 'the standard stuff from the standard farmacy like everybody else', to starting to read labels and avoiding everything with aluminum in it, finding the commercial alternatives were not only scares to find but often worked very badly..:( more background-info on the aluminum totally below for those interested.

Then I moved into the organic stores (<3) to look for my super-deo about 5 years ago, trying all kinds of natural (but still mass-)produced stuff, only to find that sage and lavender (often used in natural liquid deodorants) just made me smell worse!! And the non-scented versions helped only temporarily.

My next step was to aim for 'less is more' within the organic department using the crystall-stick for about a year and a half, this was very satisfying for a long time untill I suddenly grew very sensitive to it and it started 'biting' me and leaving a rash under my arms all of a sudden (still don't know what that was about). By then I was already using pure organic coconut oil as a bodylotion / mild sun-protection, so I started putting that under my arms to sooth the rash...and... it actually worked great as a deodorant! I still needed to apply it 2 or 3 times a day whenever I was in a warm country or having an active day- but it did the trick, and it wasn't all that bad carrying around a small plastic jar of coconut oil in my handbag :) Happy with it's effect but the less cool thing about it was that it was very oily and would melt completely on hot days, so it left your hands greasy and this is less practical when you need to apply it several times a day to stay effective.

THEN about march/april this year (2014), I started experimenting making my own deodorant using coconut oil, bicarbonate and a binding element (arrowroot) to keep it from melting, and I experienced: not only did this mix work all day long, I needed only a tiny little bit.

On top of that after about 5 weeks of using this a little miracle occured for I noticed I just started sweating less and less, and my body scent started to change into a hardly noticable scent even on days when I forgot to use this little power-deo that I had discovered...
I started reading into to this incredible effect some more online and found that more people have experienced this after using this combination. So it actually 'balances out' that whole little universe under your arms leaving you clean and fresh by nature!! The same thing that happens when you start using bicarbonate as a shampoo... It seems to be the missing link between using chemical crap ----> to ---> returning to your natural freshness :) Just what the world needs! ;) ( I now wonder if one day I even won't be this even anymore...we'll see hahaha)

OK- heeeere we go- this one is again sooooooooo easy to make!!!

Make your own deodorant in 5 minutes ;)

Ingredients for one little glass jar / or refill of your old empty deodorant container (lasting for months :) If you plan to make more- just multiply the ingredients, holding on to the same proportions:

-3 tablespoons of coconut oil
-3 tablespoons of bakingsoda
-2 tablespoons of arrowroot
-(optional) 5 drops of organic essential oils *

- you do not have to heat up or melt anything -

First mix the 2 dry ingredients in a small bowl.
Then add the coconut oil (and optional essential oils) and mash it in with a fork untill well blended. Put the result into a small glass jar to keep in your bathroom or refill an empty deodorant container :)

* For those who like to experiment with scents; beware that, like with any perfume, some scents, even though natural, can react with your natural body scent and may not smell that good once under your armpits, this is why I personally prefer the neutral version, but feel free to experiment ;)

In the next few days you will notice the mix gets a little firmer as it 'dries in', but still will be very easy to get out of the jar and apply. It melts easy on the skin under your arms, doesn't 'bite' even after shaving, spreads out evenly, but won't leave your fingers greasy afterwards - totally perfect :) I use it after showering in the morning and only need it once a day. This is about how much I use for one armpit :)

I will do some in-depth posts soon that go deeper into the endless possibilities of using bakingsoda - coconutoil and also (in other recipe's) apple cider vinegar (ACV), for these three are just simply miracle workers. They clean the house, your skin, your body (inside and out - oilpulling/toothpaste/internal detoxing) and hair, what else do you want? :) And all of them; rebalance your entire system (coconut oil and ACV also positively effect the hormonal balance) :) I SO love this!!! :D

I hope with this recipe I helped you finding the solution to your neverending search ;))
If you try it - I  would love to hear about your results :)

Keep on loving yourself - each other - and this planet <3 


Some background info for those interested

Aluminum in deodorants:

"Aluminum chlorohydrate is a group of salts that is made by reacting aluminum with hydrochloric acid. Its most common use is in deodorants and antiperspirants because it alters the pH balance of the skin and the production of sweat. There was a scare a few years ago that aluminum chlorohydrate caused breast cancer. In 2002, the National Cancer Institute said there was no link.

Since then, deodorant makers have used aluminum with impunity. The thing is that while aluminum in deodorant  may not cause cancer, it is well proven that aluminum is a neurotoxin that can alter the function of the blood-brain barrier. There was a study on this as long ago as 1995 and many more since (although no one seems to know what the basis for it being a toxin is).

Auminum is poorly absorbed and efficiently eliminated. If, however, it is absorbed then it gets to the lungs, liver and kidneys. The Risk Assessment Information System, sponsored by the US Dept of Energy, says that it "may be involved" in Alzheimer's and Parkinsons.

Is Aluminum in Deodorant Worth the Risks? 

So is using a deodorant with aluminum in it worth whatever health risk there might be? Probably not. According to one German study on 97 adults, it doesn't even work that well at preventing perspiration (and if applied whilst perspiring doesn't work at all). Another study showed an aluminum-based deodorant to be 38% effective - at best. This was a lotion. The stick form didn't work at all." (source)


  1. I just made this today, it's really totally awesome! I sweat a whole lot today and you don't smell anything, only a little coconut ;) I don't think I will ever go back to regular deo. It's a little grainy when rubbing it on, but you won't feel it anymore after it's applied. Also your armpits feel very soft. I can really recommend (which I already did to several people ;))


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